Managed Security

20% of Ransomware Victoms are Small Businesses

As new threats emerge daily, it is vital to keep your employees and data safe and secure. Ransomware, a new type of malware which encrypts your entire infrastructure and holds it for ransom, has swept the world. In the beginning six months of 2018 there were 181.5 million ransomware attacks.

By staying proactive and securing your network, servers, and workstations, Daily Computing Solutions can help your business mitigate risk—no matter the size! Tied with our Managed Backup services, you can rest assured that no computer virus can shut your business down.

Our Managed Security Solution Includes


Our top notch anti-virus solution stays in the forefront stopping and cleaning any threat before it impacts your business.

Up to Date

With our managed security solution, you'll never have to worry about updating your anti-virus software or virus definitions.

Fixed Fee

No funny surprises here. One fixed fee to cover your entire infrastructure and keep everyone secure and safe.

Stay Safe & Secure

We’ll work with you to mitigate any current risks and stay proactive for any future risks.